susan mcdonough Sat Jan 12 15:38:45 2002
I am trying to locate the family of John DAVIDSON who moved to Osakis and married Florence ROSEMEIER. All the family knows is that he came from Breckenridge and Campbell. He was born 3-8-1878 and died 8-11-1947.
Jack W. Schlotte Tue Jan 15 02:11:45 2002
I am looking for information on my father, Harvey Frederick SCHLOTTE, born in Breckenridge in 1918. At some point he changed his name from Roger Pershing SCHLOTTE, his birth name in 1918. His brother, Robert Werner SCHLOTTE, I have always assumed was born in Breckenridge also in 1914. I understand that their parents emmigrated from Northern Germany or Prussia about 1910 to 1913. My father and my uncle Robert both served with great distinction in B-17 bombers in WWII. The surname can be looked up in the index of some of the books on B-17's or the story can be found by looking up the name WHELESS.
Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jack
Lynn Keihl Mon Jan 21 20:13:32 2002
Seeking info on Myron SARGEANT, who died 5 Aug 1936 in Wilkin County, MN. Myron's wife was named Sarah.
Carolyn Wed Jan 23 22:10:45 2002
I am looking for possible information regarding Roberta FAUSKIN and her husband Clarance FAUSKIN. They had a child named David Jon FAUSKIN and a daughter Bonnie FAUSKIN. They lived in Minnisota in the 1940s and early 1950s.
Diana Tue Jan 29 01:01:59 2002
I would like to connect with the BEYER families that knew of Anna BEYER. 1rst marriage was possibly Phillip BEYER. 2nd marriage was John Peter SCHNEIDER. John & Anna married late in life & each had their own grown families. Anna (BEYER) SCHNEIDER was a good friend of John SCHNEIDER's 1st wife Anna Christina (Christina) (ECKES) SCHNEIDER. Christina died in 1929. Anna BEYER m. John SCHNEIDER in 1941 @ Breckenridge, Wilkin Co, Minn. I would like to know of Anna (BEYER) SCHNEIDER, she was the only G'ma that I knew.
Feel free to email me Diana
Joan Floyd Mon Feb 4 05:11:05 2002
Am looking for any information on these families. My main line of interest is the STAMPKA's but a couple of the girls married into the CECH and TSCHAMPLE lines. Also need someone to look up a birth record for me if possible! Have an Anton John STAMPKA and a George John STAMPKA both listed as being May 23, 1900 but it seems no one has ever heard of Anton??
Thanks in advance! Joni
Glen Oren Kerch Sat Feb 23 21:46:30 2002
My grandfather, Lewis Harvey KERCH, his wife Alice Ruth Nelson KERCH, and their children lived in Foxhome Township from 1913 until about 1930. I would like to contact anyone who may have known them or who knows something about this family. Specifically, I am interested in learning about where the family farm was located, where the children may have gone to school, which church they attended, etc.
Martha Florey Sat Mar 2 12:52:45 2002
I am looking for cemetery, obituary or church records for Wilhelm C. F. KATH b. 1841 in Pomerania, and his wife Pauline W. RUSCH b. 1844 in Germany, who had 15-16 children. They immigrated 1868 to Janesville, Rock County, WI, and left WI for Minnesota in 1879. I can share information about Wilhelm's brothers and sisters with anyone with information about Wilhelm's descendants.
Darlene Raiter Sun Mar 17 19:41:55 2002
Searching for info on Michael Adrienne PRODY and Eliza BEBO or children --- Deline, George, John, Josephine, Louis, Arkline, Belle, Anna or Elsie. The family lived in Kent,Mn. area.Thank you, Darlene
Bev Nohr Fri Mar 22 19:27:08 2002
I am looking for info on Huburt HERDING Sr. and Jr. I know very little about them other than Huburt Jr. was born in Campbell, MN Oct. 6, 1883 and then moved on to ND sometime before or in 1912.
T Mortensen Wed Apr 10 17:27:35 2002
I am looking for relatives from any of the above families. The MORTENSEN's were from Denmark and owned the local "WW Mortensen Lumber Company" in Breckenridge, MN, they were Woodrow "Woody" and I believe his brother Irvin MORTENSEN, they also have a sister who still lives in Breckenridge. The ERICKSON's were from Norway, Albert and Hilda ERICKSON, who had daughter's Jeanette and Adele. Hilda was a LARSON, daughter of Knute LARSON and Johanna TARALSETH. Any relation to these individuals, please contact me at Email: Thank you.
Todd Harrison Sat Apr 13 09:41:51 2002
I am looking for information regarding these surnames, mainly in the Wilkin Co. area. Particularly the families of Anton NORDICK (D. 3/11/1937)and Rosalia KIESELBACH (D. 4/16/1918). I have some information that I can share the information I have as well.
lee krebs Sun Apr 21 17:23:31 2002
Want to find out if there was an Emma ROGGENKAMP born there about 1881 (this info from Ancestry .com). They have an Emma ROGGENKAMP that married a Richard STEENBOCK in that area, but don't know if these Emmas are the same. Mine born 1879 in IOWA Thanks LEE
Ann Parsons Mon Apr 29 10:20:02 2002
Andrew G. PARSONS joined the Home Prairie Odd Fellows Lodge Number 203 at Childs, Minn, in Oct. 1903 and was a Scarlet Degree member in good standing at the time he died [November 1910 in Sheridan County, ND]
I would like to learn where in Wilkin County, Childs was located. I would like to learn about the Home Prairie Odd Fellows Lodge Number 203. I am hoping that Andrew had to fill out an application with some background information. I am looking to learn who his parents were. I have information on Andrew and his family to share.
Ann Parsons - Alamogordo, NM -
R Rother Wed May 1 07:18:27 2002
Looking for information on Lone CUDD and Lena (STOCK) CUDD. They are buried somewhere in Foxhome, Minnesota. Would like to know the name of cemetery or cemeteries in the area. Possibly buried in a Catholic Cemetery. Any help would be appreciated. I am researching the STOCK side for my family history.
Rita Deleski Sun May 12 20:17:54 2002
I am searching for information on Greatgrand father, John BRAWDERS, who lived in Wilkin county about 40 years.Born about 1847, came to the U.S., from Ireland, in 1858, served in the Civil War, married 3 times, Nancy MORRE, Nary NOLAN, and Minnie PENCE. Any informaton would be greatly appriciated. Thank You. Rita Deleski
Patricia Nitz Mon May 20 20:19:03 2002
Would anyone be able to look for newspaper obituaries for members of these two families. They are all buried in the Foxhome Township Cemetery. I'm looking for the years prior to 1970.
Patricia Nitz Mon May 20 20:20:50 2002
I'm looking for any newspapers articles (obituaries, births, marriages) or public records for members of this family who lived in Manston Township.
Elmira Smith Sat Jun 1 20:50:03 2002
Unable to find the death date of Peter, Frank, Pat, or Charles SMITH who live by Foxhome, MN. They were born in Illinois. Thomas SMITH died in Breckenridge on B: March 2, 1874 and D: December 17, 1957. They are all brothers. Appreciate any help you can give me. Elmira Smith
Chick Gaffy Mon Jun 17 11:14:33 2002
Would like to obtain a copy of the obituary for the following people.
Arthur Chester GAFFY died Jan 1919 buried in Prairie View Cemetary, Prairie View Township, Wilkin Co. Obit may have been in the Barnesville paper
Infant GAFFNEY died Sept 1898. Buried in Prairie View Cemetery, Prairie View Township, Wilken Co.
Ronald Tetoff Sun Aug 18 00:24:41 2002
I am looking for any descendants or any information on a one Catherine BRANT who possibly lived in Wilkin County, Minnesota, possibly in the years 1920 - 1930?'s. She was the daughter of Anton & Mary HARDBREAD of Flatwillow, Montana. Her year of birth is listed as 1899, birthplace unknown. Spouse name unknown.
Any information would certainly be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
leanne Tue Sep 10 22:20:38 2002
Does anyone know how I can get an actual obituary from the Wilkin County Gazette from the 1930's?
Debra K Schermerhorn-Hope Tue Sep 24 12:13:45 2002
I am looking for any Schermerhorns that live/lived in Wilkin County MN. I have documentation that my Great uncle Myron Schermerhorn lived and was buried in Wilkin County prior to 1941 (died 25 Jan 1941). Family lived in Traverse County MN, Roberts County SD and Richland County ND prior to moving to Wilkin County.
Debra K Schermerhorn-Hope Fri Sep 27 09:14:18 2002
I am looking for information on my great-aunt Lydia Lucinda Schermerhorn-Steger and/or any of her family. She married Leroy J. Steger 11 September 1929 in Wahpeton, Richland County North Dakota. The information I have shows that Leroy died 26 July 1964 in Wilkin County Minnesota.
Anna Malott Fri Oct 11 15:11:37 2002
Looking for info re: Edward Iverson and Anna Wilhelmina "Minnie" (Olson) Iverson. They had a daughter (my grandmother) on November 24, 1896 in Rothsay, MN. Her name was Anna Sophia Iverson. Any info would be great, thanks.
Liisa Peterson Mon Nov 4 19:46:33 2002
I am looking for any record of Virginia Rose CHOWDER. She supposedly was born in Breckinridge, Wilkin County, MN, c1918. Unfortunately, that is all the information I have on her, which I obtained from her son's birth certificate. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Jeffrey Grimes Tue Nov 19 11:20:26 2002
I'm looking for information on Halvor and Gunda HELSETH. They died in Wilkin County, 21 Oct 1935 for Gunda and 2 Feb 1936 for Halvor. An infant child of theirs died in 1895 in Wilkin County. They lived around Rothsay in 1930 according to Gunda's brothers obit.
Jeanne Swick Thu Nov 21 14:06:29 2002
Looking for information on my husband's great-grandfather and grandmother (Henry and Maria (HART) HUSON) Any information, however small on either, would be appreciated
Henry HUSON Born: UNK - Between 1860-70 Marriage: October 13, 1882 to Maria HART (in Moorhead??) Date/Location of death.......unknown Catholic Family we believe
Was section foreman for Great Northern RR in Sabin during the "Battle of Moorhead" when the GN and NP RR'ers had a confrontation about the track going into Moorhead. Lived in the Section House - fell off the roof at a fairly young age and died.......year unknown
Children: Mrs. Tom Wallace (Carolyn HUSON, who died at about age 20 in Sabin area).......John HUSON....Robert HUSON (lived /died in Dilworth)
We know nothing about Maria HART, Henry's wife other than their wedding date.
Pat Steinke Sun Nov 24 14:31:51 2002
WE are looking for the family of Adolph and Agusta (FROHLIC) STEINKE who lived in Manston Township around 1885. I show three children born in that area John born 1885, Helen 1887 and Albert 1886. In 1900 census they were back in Wisconsin and John was not living. I believe they were of the Catholic faith. Any information you can give us would be apprediated.
Joseph Tester Sat Dec 14 15:54:07 2002
Would like more information regarding original land owners in Wilkins Co,; Mary R. MARLOW; Angelique MARTIN. These women are described as "French Dakota Indian" on the Wilkins County Government webpage. Any information on them would most helpful. Thank you.
Diana Erickson Fri Dec 27 20:21:28 2002
Looking for Nils Kristian OLSON born 1844 in Mo i Rana NOrdland NOrway wed 1869 at Henmes Parish to Karen Antonette Agersborg KRISTENSDATTER.
He was a traveling photographer had six children:
Berger Conrad 1869-1928
Olav 1871 - 1951
Nanna Cathrine 1874
Martin 1876-1904
Hans 1878-1936
Nels Baldwin 1880-1936
This family lived in McCauleyville. Hope there is someone out there with some data
Thanks, Diana
Heidi Haagenson Sun Dec 29 22:24:17 2002
I am owner of a signature quilt with 700 names, created in 1929 in Tenney, Minnesota. Names were embroidered on the quilt for the price of 10 cents, to be used to repair the furnace in the town hall. My grandmother, Audrey Polifka LARSON, her mother, Helen Ready POLIFKA, are on the quilt, as well as many other residents of Tenney and surrounding area. If any of you know anything about this quilt or know of people who lived in the Tenney area in 1929, please contact me. I have names catalogued and would like to learn more about them. Thank you.
- Heidi Leaf Haagenson
Neil Laidman Tue Dec 31 09:23:31 2002
I am researching the BRATON family who emigrated from Binbrook, Wentworth Co., Ontario, Canada in 1870 to Prairie View twp in Wilkin co. If anyone has information on these families, it would be greatly appreciated. I have a contact that has given me quite a bit of the family history, but I am looking for dates and background information as well.
Thanks, Neil...